Our Team

Paul and Carmina Adams
Evangelist at Large - Richmond
Paul Adams was saved at age 25 and is currently a member of Grace Bible Church in Midlothian, VA. He has…

Frank Baldus
Southern California Branch
Frank was born in New Jersey, but raised in Southern California. At 26, Frank answered the God’s call on his…

Dan and Rebecca Beaudoin
Bay Area, CA Branch
Daniel Beaudoin was saved as a teenager after having been invited to a local church youth group. He and his…

Dave and Joy Braun
Philadelphia Area
Dave and Joy have been missionaries with Open Air Campaigners since 1985. He was born in Jersey City and raised…

Eric and Diane Briscoe
Boston Branch
Staff evangelist, Eric Briscoe, was saved at the age of 13 at Happy “T” Ranch in New Hampshire. He is…

Richard and Diane Burley
Tampa Branch
Hello, my name is Richard Burley. Thank you for visiting our web page. My wife Diane and I would like…

Michael and Renae Bussen
Central Services Office
About Michael and Renae Bussen Michael & Renae are grateful to have grown up in Minnesota with good families and…

Erin Chervenak
Rochester Area
Erin trusted Christ shortly after her high school graduation and in college joined Christian Action Fellowship (now known as Chi…

Rebecca Jefferson Coates
Central PA Branch
ON STAFF SINCE 2015 Rebecca trusted Christ as a child and was blessed to grow up in a Godly Christian…

John and Sue Cutlip
Central Services Director
Sue and I grew up together in the town of Thompson located in Northeast Ohio. We are thankful for parents who saw…

Zane and Laurie Dempsie
Central Pennsylvania Director
ON STAFF SINCE 2008 I was four years old when I first prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my Savior.…

Scott and Christine Domont
Michigan Branch
While we were both still in our youth Christine and I turned from the way of this world and trusted…

Bob Ewerth
Retired July 2022
ON STAFF SINCE 1976 Staff Evangelist, BOB EWERTH, was saved at the age of 19 at Washington Bible College. He…

Tom & Carmen Fox
Personnel Development Director
ON STAFF SINCE 2009 Tom has been a member of the OAC-USA team since 2009. His journey from passive churchgoer…

Brian and Kimberlee Harmon
National Field Director, OACUSA
ON STAFF SINCE 2010 Staff evangelist, Brian Harmon, praises God for the privilege of growing up in a home where…

Russ Hodder
Southern California Branch
ON STAFF SINCE 1977 Open Air Campaigners staff evangelist, RUSS HODDER was saved at the age of 14 at home…

Ryan & Tasia Itzel
Baltimore-Washington Branch
I grew up in a Christian home where my family did full-time music ministry in churches all over the U.S.…

Steve and Connie Johnson
Quad-Cities Area
ON STAFF SINCE 2015 Steve Johnson came to Christ in his early thirties. At that time in his life, he…

Mark and Angela Kennedy
Inland NW Branch
ON STAFF SINCE 2004 I grew up in East Texas. In 1985 I moved to Idaho to become a Hunting…

Sue MacNeil
ON STAFF SINCE 2000 For many years of my life, I wondered where I would go when I died. I…

Chris and Bonnie McKinley
New Hampshire Area
ON STAFF SINCE 2016 Chris McKinley was delivered out of New Agism and witchcraft. He was saved on Thanksgiving Day…

Juan and Dawn Monzon
Dallas Branch
ON STAFF SINCE 1991 Juan grew up in an evangelical, Christian home in Paraguay, South America. He grew up…

Rick and Dovie Moore
Dallas Branch Director
ON STAFF SINCE 2007 Rick wasn’t raised in a Christian home and only attended church a few times while…

Ed and Debbie Neimann
Pittsburgh Branch Director
I was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts with a religious upbringing, but I never understood the salvation offered to…

Peter and Isabel O’Driscoll
Orlando Branch
ON STAFF SINCE 1996 Peter was saved at age 10, through the influence of Paul Merritts, a pastor in Washington's…

Brenten and Lena Powers
Bay Area, CA Branch
STAFF INTERN SINCE 2020 Brenten and Lena were saved in the early 1990’s when they heard and believed the truth…

Kurt Schafli
Central Wyoming Branch Director
Kurt Schafli, founder of OAC Switzerland, was saved during the Christmas season in 1975 at the age of 21. He…

Ken and Kathy Teeter
Minneapolis Branch Director
ON STAFF SINCE 2011 Both Ken and Kathy Teeter grew up in missions. Ken's parents were overseas missionaries and,in fact,…

Karen and Chris Williams
Phoenix Area
Miss Karen! ON STAFF SINCE 1984 I was privileged to be born and raised in a Christian home and attend…

Mike and Christine Wilson
Michigan Branch
ON STAFF SINCE 2016 Mike became a Christian as a student at Michigan Tech. He graduated with a degree in…

Chip and Kim Wolfe
Central PA Branch
On Staff Since 2000 Chip and Kim came to know the Lord on the very same day back in 1993…