Date: July 7-11, 2025
Do You Have a Burden for Souls?
America is a nation where millions of people attend church every week. And yet we know that there are millions more who are perishing, many of whom may go their whole lives without ever hearing a clear presentation of the gospel. We have plenty of strong churches, but what about those who will never see the inside of a church? Who will go to them?
Answer the Call

OAC evangelist giving a student some pointers
Since our founding in 1892 in Sydney, Australia, Open Air Campaigners has endeavored to go OUT to this great and needy group of unreached men and women, boys and girls. Our model of evangelism is biblical, the way Jesus did it. Folks are reached where they are whether in parks, fairs, factories, housing projects, at the waterfront, schools, colleges or on the university campus. Downtown open-air meetings are held regularly in business and financial districts. Converts are referred to sound local churches. Today, OAC staff minister in eight states here in the US and in over twenty foreign countries.
Get Equipped

The classroom portion of the training gives students a chance to practice their gospel presentation in a friendly atmosphere.
The Open Air Campaigners are presenting our exciting one-week sketchboard evangelism training, designed to provide training in all phases of conducting open-air evangelistic meetings. All students will be tutored according to their level of experience. Those who attend this training will be equipped to go back to their home church or field of ministry ready to conduct fruitful, open-air outreaches.
Target Audience
This training is intended for all Christian workers, lay people and students interested in learning principles and techniques of effective open-air evangelism. Adults and teens are welcomed, and you need not have any prior experience in evangelism.
At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Present the gospel of Christ in a direct, positive and challenging manner.
- Prepare evangelistic Bible stories for children and adults with illustrations drawn on a sketchboard.
- Discern proper techniques, including location and timing for conducting outdoor meetings.
- Learn how to communicate the Gospel one-on-one with adults and children.
- Sense a personal fulfillment of Ephesians 4:12, so that you might “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”
Is This For Me?

Students will have multiple opportunities to practice sharing their faith during the week.
If you are the kind of person who lies awake at night grieving for souls lost in sin, this training is for you. Or if you have a passion to glorify God by sharing your faith, but need instruction on how to do so, we want to help you. Your desire to reach people for Christ is more important than any speaking talent you may (or may not) have! And even if you never speak before another crowd after you leave, your relationship with God and with your lost friends and neighbors will never be the same.
For answers to specific questions you may have or to obtain more information about upcoming times of one-week training, contact our Personnel Development Director, Tom Fox.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]